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To release stress and strain,
start by rubbing your palms together
in a circular motion, like a movie
villain hatching an evil plan (but in a
good way). Then lace your fingers
together and knead the backs of your
hands with your fingertips. Lastly,
use your thumbs to knead your palms.
h e a f
The top of your head rarely
gets touched in a therapeutic way
(noogies from big brothers being a
prime case in point). Start by moving
your hands from your chin to your
cheeks, using a circular motion as
though you’re washing your face
without soap. Guide your fingers to
your temples and rub gently. Move to
the back of your head and start to
massage, working your fingers
upward to the top of your head.
It’s easy to massage your own
feet if you can’t corral a willing
partner. Find a comfortable chair
and rest one foot on your knee. Rub
the entire bottom of your foot, from
heel to toe, in a circular motion.
Repeat on the other foot.
up, it’s hard to relax. “Your mind is
like a computer. It’s constantly on,”
says Derrickson. “You have to
answer the problems in your mind
by deleting them.”
Sit up straight in a chair with your
body relaxed. Keep your neck erect
but loose, as if your head were being
held from the ceiling by thin wires.
Rest your hands lightly across your
knees, palms up. Stare straight ahead
at a neutral spot.
In your mind—or out loud if
you’re alone—bring up the problems
of the dav and then dismiss them
with a positive statement. Examples:
“The bills aren’t paid.
.. It’s OK. I’ll
pay them tomorrow.” “I’m worried
about my dad’s health.
.. It’s OK. I’ll
visit him tomorrow.” “My son got a
bad report card. It’s OK.
.. I’ll call his
teacher tomorrow.”
Don’t think about the specifics. A
quick answer is all you need for now.
“Clear the problems and make them
neutral, and then your mind can
rest,” says Derrickson.
Your son missed his curfew.
You forgot your mom’s birthday. And
somebody left an expensive library
book in the rain. When problems pile
Sleep is a simple
countdown away
The room is cool. The
shades are drawn. And the sounds of
crickets are the only things you hear.
But you can’t sleep because you can’t
turn off your chattering mind.
Try slow breathing while you
count softly out loud from
1 0
and back again, suggests Heidi
Rotberg, a psychologist in private
practice in Charlotte, North
Carolina. This is deceptively
effective. “It’s hard to count and
think at the same time,” says
Rotberg. Say “One,” then inhale
for three counts. Say “Relax” and
breathe out for three counts.
Repeat to 10, then back to 1 again.
“Remember, you’re not taking a
deep breath. You’re taking a
normal breath that’s slow and
controlled,” says Rotberg.
212 JUNE 2008
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